Category: General

Geek Corner: Interview with Appolo Tech Brian Hartman

Our staff here at Appolo Heating is a group of truly exceptional, skilled and thoughtful individuals, which is exactly why we want our customers to get to know them a little bit more. In the first in our series of interviews, we spoke to Appolo tech Brian Hartman about what life on (and off) the...

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How Duct Sealing Can Reduce Energy Costs

In the Capital Region and surrounding areas, October and November are the perfect time of year to patch up your ventilation system. The fall weather period acts as a sort of weather neutral time; it’s not hot enough to use your air conditioning, and it’s not (usually) cold enough to make consistently blasting your home...

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How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

No one wants to step outside and breathe in dirty or polluted air, and the same goes for polluted air inside your home. The unfortunate truth is that indoor air quality is actually a pretty frequent problem, with all sorts of different pollutants posing legitimate health risks to you and your household. Luckily, despite indoor...

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