Comfort Tips for Your Home and Your Health
There’s no better feeling than kicking your feet up on the couch in the comfort of your own home. But sometimes, in spite of your best efforts to relax, your home can feel downright uncomfortable. Have you ever felt like the air in your home was too thick, dry, or even sticky?
You’re not alone!
Millions of homeowners experience discomfort due to poor air quality and conditions. Thankfully, there are a number of ways you can improve your home comfort without spending a fortune.
Here are some tips to keep your home comfortable year-round:
1. Purchase an Air Cleaner or Purifier
Maintaining a comfortable home and good health starts with making sure you are breathing clean air. Air Cleaners or Purifiers usually only need to be maintained or replaced once a year, help by removing contaminants and impurities from the air, improving the overall air quality when compared to normal air filters that are you used in most heating or cooling systems and require replacement 3 to 12 times per year. They also help those with allergies and asthma by eliminating the tiny particles that contribute to air contamination.
2. Filter Your Tap Water
Drinking water straight from the sink may not be the best idea. Water straight from the sink can contain dangerous toxins and chlorine that can affect your health in a negative way. Water filters provide better smelling and better tasting water by removing chlorine and any other bacterial contaminants, preventing any harmful substance from entering your body. Water filters are also less expensive than consistently buying water bottles and usually only need to be changed once a month.
3. Keep Your Floors Clean
An obvious solution to maintaining a healthy home, but also an often forgotten one, is a clean floor. The floors of your home contain dust and other tiny particles that can be brought in from your shoes, pets, and rodents. Vacuuming and mopping weekly can help keep those dust particles out of the house and create a healthier environment in your home.
4. Keep Your Appliances in Working Order
Ensuring that appliances like your furnace or your hot water heater are properly installed and regularly serviced is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy and comfortable home. With a little bit of help from your local heating professional, you can be sure that all of your appliances are fully inspected to prevent things like clogged air filters, circulating dust, or even possible exposure to dangerous gases.
5. Purchasing a Dehumidifier
The air in your home can sometimes feel like a rainstorm has occurred indoors, leaving you with all that sticky air in your home. As a result, dust mites, mold, and even mildew can start to thrive in these sticky environments creating hazardous conditions and lowering your overall air quality.
If you start to notice water stains on the walls or ceilings of your home, frequent condensation on your windows, or the smell of mildew, then it might be time to start thinking about purchasing a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers can help get rid of that musty odor, eliminate that humidity and diminish the potential of mold growth. All of these improvements can drastically reduce irritation to your skin and respiratory system, allowing you to breathe easier and be more comfortable in your home.
If you experience any of the problems mentioned above and would like to have your home inspected by a local home comfort professional, contact us today. We can locate your small problems before they become dangerous health risks. We’ll can also find and fix any larger issues that can improve your indoor air quality.