
Health Benefits of Air Conditioning

On a scorching hot day, there’s nothing quite like the luxury of powering up your air conditioner and chilling out in the cool air for a little while. Conversely, getting stuck in an environment without AC when it’s brutally hot is exceptionally uncomfortable–no one likes to get stuck in a stuffy, hot, sweaty room, especially when it’s just as hot outside. Luckily, air conditioning is now pretty widespread, so chances are that you don’t find yourself in these situations–at least not too often. But, did you know that air conditioning provides not just solace from the heat, but also has a number of health benefits as well? Let’s dive into the benefits that you’ve been getting without even knowing it!

Reduces Chances Of Heat-Related Conditions

Very hot environments greatly increase the chances of serious dehydration, heat stroke, and asthma attacks, particularly in young children and elderly people. By cooling down your air and reducing humidity levels in a space, air conditioning greatly reduces the risks a hot day can have in triggering these kinds of reactions. Severe heat has also been known to affect heart-related conditions, respiratory, and immunodeficiency conditions (this one due to an increased presence of bacteria in hot, humid environments), and a good air conditioner can help to prevent a medical episode if you or a loved one suffers from one of these more serious ailments.

Better Air Quality

A good air conditioner or central cooling system also acts as an air filtration system; this means your AC can cut down on irritating allergens like mold, mildew, pollen, dust, and dust mites. If you have major allergies, you know how much something as simple as “too much pollen” can throw a wrench into your entire day; air conditioning can help to reduce those levels, and leave you waking up without a stuffy nose, puffy eye or achy joints! Plus, that reduction of external intruders in your home will cut back on mold and mildew growth, which helps with both allergen reduction along with positive respiratory health, reduction of asthmatic triggers, and general home safety.

Reduces Noise Pollution

While propping open your windows on a cool summer night can be great, if you live in a noisy neighborhood, that cool breeze can be quickly ruined by loud neighbors or noisy traffic–and studies have shown that noise pollution can have some serious effects on your overall health and well being. While air conditioning isn’t ever going to solve noise pollution, the incentive to keep windows closed that inherently comes with air conditioning your home can certainly reduce the amount of noise pollution that you experience day-to-day, which has positive health benefits and can help you get better sleep.

While air conditioning does provide a number of health benefits, most of those benefits are dependent and your air conditioning system functioning properly and having fresh and clean filters. If you’re concerned that your system may not be working at full capacity, haven’t had a checkup in over a year, or are just concerned about the filtration, Appolo Heating offers a number of different repair services based on the needs of your cooling system. If you don’t have air conditioning, we also offer full installation services, but act fast! The weather is only going to get hotter and more humid as those peak summer months inch closer, so spare yourself the health risks (and sweaty nights)–start feeling the benefits of an expert air cooling system now!